Charges Against Johnson Dropped

(Mistakatonic University Press) - Arkham police chief Andrew Griffith announced today that pending criminal charges against Grave Robbers' linebacker Richard Johnson will be dismissed.

"We simply couldn't find the principle witness," said Griffith. "She appears to have disappeared, and because we can't establish her identity, it is impossible to pursue a missing-persons investigation. The case will be re-opened if anyone comes forward with information about the girl."

The female in question is alledged to have been video-taped committing lewd acts by Johnson. Johnson has denied any criminal guilt in the incident, and refused public comment.

Johnson's Arkham teammates have thrown their support behind the linebacker throughout the investigation. "I can really comment, " said quarterback Harold Carter, "except to say that the controversy has made game-planning more difficult. Richard is a tough guy to describe, but his overall contributions to the team have been very positive. I'm looking forward to planning our game against Seoul without this distraction."

Team president Jeb Whatley did not return calls at press time. Coach Neal F. Guye refused comment, saying, "We are very, very happy with Richard's performance on the field. That is all."

Johnson has scheduled a press conference for Tuesday. It is believed he will announce the establishment of a charity at that time.

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