Neal's Last Words

This is the home page of Neal's Netrunner deck rating service.

Send me your deck recipes. I'll rate them on the six catagories below and send you an email evaluation. I'll also include suggestions for improvements and new directions you can take to make your plan work.

The service is free. All I ask is that you tell your friends that you got some great ideas for your deck from me. Hopefully they will read my column and Netrunner will become even more popular.

All deck lists should be sent to [Address redacted 2011-05-02: Neal and the rating service are gone. Dammit.] Explanations about how your deck works are very helpful. I promise to get back to you in a semi-timely manner and admit if I have no idea what you are up to.

All decks are confidential and will not be discussed in my column or published.

Decks will be evaluated on the following criteria:

Originality (0-10)
Decks that are based on concepts unknown to me will receive high rankings. Decks that are tired and well-known retreads will receive low rankings.

Creativity (0-10)
This is a measure of the ingeniousness of your plan. A two-card combo might be very Original but not very creative. Do something clever and you will receive a high ranking. Do something straightforward and you will not.

Use of Unpopular Cards (0-5)
If you make a Stack with Hell's Run and Rabbit, you get five points. If you make a Stack with ten Bodyweight Synthetic Blood and ten Loan from Chiba, you get zero points.

Use of Duplicates (0-5)
If your deck only has 5 different cards, you get zero points. If it has 45 different cards, you get 5 points.

Entertainment (0-10)
This catagory is totally subjective. It tries to measure how fun it is to play your entry. In general, having a great plan that requires some decision making during play is the best.

Strength in Play (0-10)
If your deck nearly always wins, you get ten points. If it could never possibly win, you get zero.

If you need help, I'm always there for you,

Neal's Last Words